See The Forest Through The Trees
It was hard to see what was going on here because there were too many trees! Often a developer's curse, the trees were actually planted by the owner to 'fill in' their otherwise vacant land. Unfortunately for them when it came to selling it knocked $15k off the value as they had to go! Also because of the trees they couldn't see the value in what they were living in. The house was dirty and dark, for which they apologised.. It was dirty and dark because of the trees. Structurally the house was great so remove the trees to bring in light and give it a clean and you are 90% of the way to having something beautiful. We could then also deal with the land. The purchase was for the house on land plus a vacant lot beside it, but with a realignment of the boundaries we achieved three lots, still whilst keeping the house for what overall was a pretty easy exercise as far as developments go.

Source: www.realestate.com.au