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Property News

Savvy property investors must keep up to date with the latest market news and research. Find below a selection of articles related to the Queensland and Brisbane property market, valuable tips and tricks when it comes to buying, developing and researching, and other items you will find valuable.

TLPI’s are starting to play a larger role when it comes to buying and developing properties in Brisbane, but you can be excused if you do not know what one is, or have never looked at one before. However, it is very important you know about TLPI’s.

Let's face it; agents can get rather creative with their real estate marketing. After all, no matter what the property is, where it is or how bad it is, it is their job to sell it! Let's take a look at what some of their words 'may' actually be saying.

Have you ever worked hard on a property, done lots of research, looked at heaps of comparables, run the numbers, got it working down to the dollar, only to then get blown out of the water by another buyer paying a good $50,000 to $100,000 more than you? As a buyers' agent who refuses to pay too much for a property I certainly have! In fact, far too frequently lately. I wanted to get to the bottom of the reason why and have spoken to numerous agents and consultants and I have come up with a few conclusions.

Here’s a Brisbane residential property market update from a professional buyer. It hasn’t been hyped up by media and it isn't being selectively optimistic by a sales agent. It's an update just as an update should be.

With the market hot in Brisbane and Toowoomba, Investigate Property continue to source great deals for our clients. Here is a selection of 2015 gems.

The property market has certainly picked up this year with buyer's taking advantage of historically low interest rates and an improving market. Despite our best efforts, we haven't always had clients for the deals we find. Find out the opportunities that were missed (and one that is still available!).

2012 was another successful year for Investigate Property and their clients. We thought we'd share a small collection of deals Investigate Property were involved in this year, as we feel there is no better way to demonstrate what it is we do.

When buying property, get yourself into a position to actually make an offer, sign a contract immediately and obtain finance. Too often we see good deals slip away because buyer's haven't done things in the correct order, or worse, deliberately held off on getting themselves organised because they don't want to spend the time or money doing so before they have a deal. Here's a few real life scenarios.

A question we are asked on a regular basis is just how much money do I need to develop?  Here is an insight into costs for a small development.

We always say, "Research! Research! Research!".  But how crucial is it to purchasing the right property?  Here's a real example of how it can all go wrong!  

When a hot property comes along you need to be ready to fire, because any delays in submitting your offer could mean you miss out.

Many investment property owners don’t realise that their properties are being rented below market value.  Here Justin Eslick shares with you some smart and straight forward tips that can help you boost your rental income and capitalise on your investments.

Whether you are new to developing or already an established investor, you can never go wrong by learning from other peoples experiences. In this article, Justin Eslick highlights strategies and tips that could help you identify the best potential for your development. 

Every property investor will come across this question at least once in their investing career. In this article Buyer's Agent Justin Eslick brings to light the best way to handle this selling agent tactic and how to view the outcome.

Research is the key to buying a successful property. Here Justin Eslick gives us a clear example of how to reduce risk and the mistakes you could make by doing your homework first.

Everybody is entitled to makes mistakes. It is how we learn from them that makes the difference. It is even better, however, to try and minimise how many mistakes you make. Here are some of the more common mistakes we see people make when looking to buy property.

Knowledge is power! You should always make sure you know more than the agent, but never tell them this. It's amazing what opportunities open up for you when this is the case. Read on to learn why.

We have featured Mathew Cosgrove in numerous past articles. We even held a Site Inspection at two of his development sites and had him as a guest speaker at our Developing for Profit workshop. This is how much this down to earth runner-up Property Investor of the Year with Your Investment Property Magazine impresses us. Well, he is at it again! This time with $200k in profit from a renovator and splitter deal, in a quiet market.

Unfortunately since the floods that hit Brisbane in January we have seen a number of properties on the market with some misleading and evasive advertising.

No property investor should ever rely on claims made by a selling agent, especially when it comes to development.

Christmas can really throw out the listing cycle when it comes to selling a property. Understanding this will help you to list your property for sale at the right time, and will create an opportunity for you if you are a buyer.

When it comes to developing there is essentially two ways you can make money. You can either ‘print it’ or you can ‘hammer it’. Both hold great appeal, but making the right choice isn't as straightforward as some may think.

So you have decided to buy an investment property or your first home. Congratulations and welcome to an exciting world!  You'll want as much house for as little money as possible. Unfortunately this can also lead to disaster.  Read on to find out how you get started.

Overland Flow can be a nasty negative with dire consequences for property investors. Brisbane City Council have recently announced plans for a new Overland Flow Mapping system to help minimise risk for property buyers, but there are consequences that you need to know about.

Doing your research and getting the answers reduces risk when buying property, but it can also stop you from buying well if you don't do it in the correct order.

People are forgetting that long term growth should be a major consideration when purchasing property as most property deals are or turn out to be long term deals. Don't let high rental returns blind you to some great opportunities that may exist in the market.

Get excited! With interest rates coming down it is now possible to buy cash neutral and cash positive property in capital cities, something that has largely been unattainable for the last few years.

This is the second part of a two part article on what, where and how of termites. Last issue we looked mostly at where to look for termites. In this issue we explore what to look for.

Every investor or home buyer should learn to look for signs of termites when inspecting a property. Too many people dismiss this activity in favour of employing the experts, but an initial inspection by yourself before you employ the experts could save you time and money!

Want to know a good way to potentially halve the value of your property in just one day? Do the wrong searches, use the wrong person to comment on those searches, or worse still, don't do them at all and you are well on your way!

Generally speaking, development sites can deliver fantastic profits for investors, but they can also carry considerable risk. It is possible to reduce this risk quite easily, and the first place to start is by making sure you buy the right development site to begin with.

There are so many value-add opportunities that come under the banner of ‘town planning’ and a number of these are the result of you knowing more than the vendor or sales agent of a property.

There is a lot to gain in investing in ‘loose change’, but we aren’t talking about the coins you find in your car’s ashtray! In this instance ‘loose change’ refers to changes still in their infancy, still without certainty, which is often where speculative investment can reap reward.  During the last month there have been two major headlines to come out of the news concerning Queenslanders.

The Green Bridge, now formally known as the 'Eleanor Schonell Bridge', linking the University of Queensland (UQ) with Dutton Park and surrounds is set to open in December 2006.

Town Planner Justin Eslick makes comment on a recent article in the Courier Mail, which discusses the rehabilitation of Woolloongabba, Albion and Hamilton.

West End has long been touted as the next Fortitude Valley, the next hip place, the next big thing. This article takes an in depth look at what is shaping the area.

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