Welcome new members!
Welcome and thank you for becoming an Investigate Property member. On this page you'll discover everything you need to enable you to start your property journey with Investigate Property.
A brief explanation is provided below, however, in summary the steps you now need to take are:
- Watch the induction video below
- Download, complete and return all of the forms (mailing address is on the Form 22a)
- Explore the Members Only section of the website
- Call or email me if you have any questions. Details below.
Remember, your membership lasts for three months. Please contact us if you would like your membership to continue after this time at a cost of $47 per month.
You should now be able to access the Members Only section of this website. Your username is your email address and your password is your surname followed by ftd. For example 'eslickftd'. Note that if there was already a password on our site for your email address we have not changed this, so your password may be an existing one. Any difficulties accessing the site, please call or email us.
Note that if you are a couple, we can only set up one email address for you and have used one that we have on record. If you have any troubles accessing the site please email us justin@investigateproperty.com.au or call 0410511535.
To make full use of your membership there are some forms for you to complete and return to us. In particular, there is a Form 22a, which employs me as your agent. It serves two main purposes. Firstly, it protects me and my right to commission, and secondly I cannot legally make any enquiries into a property on your behalf without it.
A full explanation about your membership, how it operates, what you can expect of us and what we need from you can be found in the video below. Please watch this video, then download each of the forms, return them to us and you are on your way!
Any questions, please call 0410511535 or email justin@investigateproperty.com.au.
Justin Eslick
This video requires Flash
Letters and Forms (click on each to download)
- Welcome Letter
welcome-letter-ftd-source-membership.pdf (38.1 KB)
- Form 22a
complete-generic-form-22a.pdf (1.3 MB)
- Warning/Disclaimer and Recommendations
ip_disclaimer.pdf (17.7 KB)
- Hints and Tips
hints.pdf (28.4 KB)
- Requirements Form
requirements-form.pdf (31.9 KB)
Please complete and return each form to:
Investigate Property
PO Box 6266
Fairfield QLD 4103